10 Lessons from Dominic Barton for any Business

10 Lessons from Dominic Barton for any Business:
The Ugandan-born Dominic Barton, also known as Bao Damin, is a great business executive and a highly motivational leader. His works have been known worldwide, and his ways of controlling a business have been recognized and implemented by most businessmen and entrepreneurs globally. Barton has worked for many companies all over the world but mainly in Canada. The most significant achievement of his career counts to be the Ambassador of Canada to China. He was hand-picked by Justin Trudeau’s advisors. Straightly moving on to jotting down a few of his life lessons. There are many rules which he made for himself while managing a business but below are some which are extremely important. Following even half of these mentioned lessons may help an entrepreneur lay an incredibly successful business.
Ten life-changing lessons by Dominic Barton:
1. Control things only you can hold firmly.
Irrespective of the amount of hard work a person does or whoever you know, there will always be things that would remain out of control. And there will always be things you can never hold with all of your strength. And for you to be the least frustrated, you need to accept this fact as sooner as possible. Apply frantic efforts at things that you can control. Also, learning to act wisely and decisively to things that are out of control is very important.
2. Measure success based on Relationships and not mere money.
Success never solely depends on money. Yes, money definitely is essential but healthy relations among your peers and your competitors would make a person successful. The reason behind money being given the topmost priority in the world is that it is the most visible way of keeping success scores. However, earning enough money by doing something you love to support your family can be counted as an accurate measure of success.
3. Love more, trustless and lift your own weight.
To build excellent relations, assuming that everyone will have the best intentions is essential. Still, for you, it should continuously trickle your mind that you should trust only those who have earned it. It will always be you and your team who have to bend your backs and sweat every droplet of water out of your body to make a business successful. It would be best if you never depended on others to achieve your success.
4. A business is never about what you do; it is always about with whom you do it.
The surrounding in which you work should always be so motivational, which may always push you to do great things and still force you to take a risk that benefits the business. Many businesses have reached great heights and achieved immense success, but people working in them have not been so happy because of the disturbance created due to the variety of thoughts. What count are the people with whom you are working? A business is ultimately about your team and your partners and up to what level your thinking matches theirs.
5. Patience will always remain the key to success.
It has been seen in every aspect of life that patience has yielded tremendous success for people. Running a business is nothing different. Success can come overnight or even take seven to ten years. Patience holds the key. If you have it, all the locks may open soon enough. Accept that success will always take more time than you expect. Patience will forever remain a valued virtue for every kind of business.
6. You don’t need to fail first to succeed.
It is not always compulsory to follow the age-old adage that failure is the first step to success. On the contrary, sometimes we get nothing to learn from our failures. So never depend on this popular wisdom of failure first. Learn whatever you can and immediately let go of the loss so that you can stand up and grab every opportunity that is presented to achieve success.
7. Winning and losing are part and parcel of the game.
Winning will always bring happiness to your lives; learning how to be a good loser is what holds the key for the future. It is never true that you need to be happy about the loss, but accepting the defeat will help you stand up quickly and move forward.
8. Sales & Cash; Vanity & Sanity
Revenue number and a high number of employees are some things which are always to be laid off your minds. What is important is understanding what amount of cash you get to keep with yourself.
9. Focus.
For any business to reach great heights, one should always be as focused as possible. Always remember that customers remain loyal for even the smallest thing you would have done for them.
10. Live your own life too.
Business is not the only thing that would need to run. Give ample time to yourself too.
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